FAQs for Citizens Takeout Customers
Orange was formed on July 25, 2023, and received its Certificate of Authority from the Florida Office of Insurance Regulation (FLOIR) on October 6, 2023. While Orange is a new insurer, we have partnered with Cabrillo Coastal General Agency and Harbor Claims, two established and well-respected companies in the Florida residential property insurance market, to handle all your policy service and claim needs.
Your Orange renewal offer will be sent to you approximately 45 days prior to the expiration date listed on your Citizens policy Declarations Page. If you have a lienholder on file with Citizens, a copy of the policy and an invoice will be sent directly to them.
Because you are a Member and not just a policyholder, Orange is required to obtain your consent to membership. Failure to sign your Subscribers Agreement may result in the cancellation of your policy and the loss of valuable insurance coverage for your home.
The amount and duration of the Subscribers Surplus Contribution is contingent upon the overall financial strength of Orange. Once Orange has repaid the investors that funded its start-up, and is 100% owned by its Members, the Subscribers Surplus Contribution may be decreased or eliminated at the determination of the AIF in consultation with the Subscribers Advisory Committee.
SSAs are notional (paper only) accounts established by a reciprocal exchange to track the cumulative amounts of the Exchange’s underwriting profits attributed to an individual Member. Actual cash distributions from the SSA to the Member(s) must be approved by the AIF and the FLOIR and usually occur when the Member leaves the Exchange.
Chrp will contact select policyholders assumed from Citizens to conduct an easy and painless virtual do-it-yourself survey of their home.
This virtual survey will:
Confirm the information Citizens provided in the assumption process.
Analyze your everyday household systems to identify hazards and prevent losses.
Your insurance agent is aware of the virtual survey process and requirements. If you have any concerns or questions, please contact your agency.